Pelin Kaynak
Director of the department of Ophthalmology
Pelin Kaynak had her orbitofacial plastic surgery training in UCLA, JSEI, Orbitofacial Plastic Surgery Depatment as visiting international fellow in 1996-1997, after finishing her residency. She had founded the Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Division of Istanbul BeyoÄŸlu Eye Research and Training Hospital in 2002, and practiced as director of the department since then until November 2016. She has trained many national and international fellows and residents. She has focused mostly on minimally invasive periocular surgery and aesthetic surgery of the eyelids and lacrimal surgery. She contributes as reviewer and editor to major ophthalmology journals. She has published articles, wrote over 30 book chapters; co edited 3 textbooks related to ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Research Interest
Miinimally invasive periocular surgery and aesthetic surgery of the eyelids and lacrimal surgery.