Day :
- Ophthalmology | Cornea Disorders and Treatments | Pediatric Ophthalmology | Dry Eye & Low Vision | Uveitis | Retina and Retinal Detachment
Location: London, UK
Session Introduction
Abdulrahman A. Almuhawwis
King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (KSAU-HS), Saudi Arabia
Title: The effect of use digital devices on eyes during COVID-19 period

Abdulrahman A. Almuhawwis is practiced Optometrist with many years of experience performing examinations and diagnosis of eye diseases and disorders. He is a Skillful in preparing prescriptions for eyeglasses and contact lenses, maintaining strong commitment to accuracy. He versed at forging and cultivating productive relationships with clients, achieving high levels of satisfaction, retention and referrals.
Background: A substantial increase in using digital devices was observed among the population due to staying at home as a result of the quarantine during the coronavirus pandemic. Consequently, ocular symptoms appeared due to spending several hours of screen time per day.
Objective: The current study aimed to assess the impact of excessive use of digital devices during the pandemic of coronavirus among the Saudi population.
Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was carried out from November 2020 to January 2021 among the Saudi population. Data were collected by using Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaires for the assessment of symptoms related to dry eye and their effect on vision. A logistic regression model was used to evaluate the association between the risk factors and the symptoms of dry eye. SPSS 22nd edition was used, any p-value <0.05 was considered significant.
Results: Out of 1573 participants, 93.8% used mobile, 42.4% experienced uncomfortable sensitivity to the light. There were 49.15% of the participants who showed that none of the time they felt blurry vision, 54.8% did not report double vision, and 30.5% who felt a headache recently after quarantine. About 48% of the participants did not have any ocular symptoms, while 52% had dry eye symptoms (mild 22.3%, moderate 13.7%, and severe 15.9%). When the logistic regression model of risk factors associated with severe symptoms of dry eye was applied, wearing a contact lens was the most significant variable (p<0.0001) [Figure 1].
Conclusion: Dry eye symptoms increased during the quarantine, which indicated that the digital device users need to learn more about the preventive measures from practitioners in eye healthcare. More studies are warranted to assess the impact of digital device usage on all age groups starting from children up to the elderly population.
Keywords: Coronavirus lockdown, Dry eye symptoms, Digital devices, Quarantine, Ocular Surface Disease Index [OSDI], Digital eye strain.
Atto Gladys
Moroto Hospital, Uganda
Title: An audit of visual outcomes following cataract surgery in southern Karamoja

Gladys Atto is a Ugandan ophthalmologist with subspecialty training in public eye health from London School of Hygiene and Tropical medicine. She has a legacy of being the first ophthalmologist in Karamoja subregion-one of the hardest to reach areas in Uganda. She not only functionalized the eye unit at the Regional Referral Hospital in Moroto district, but also turned it into a Centre of excellence for the provision of eye care services in the sub-region. She received the 'the women in medicine' award from the Uganda Medical Association in recognition of her efforts in strengthening the health system in 2021 and was nominated for "Doctor of the year'' and "Global Health Champion, North" categories of Heroes in Health awards by Ministry of health, Uganda in 2022.
Problem statement: Biometry is crucial for good outcomes. Only 20% of patients undergoing cataract surgery in Karamoja subregion were having biometry done.
Methods: We collected secondary data on Snellen visual acuity pre and post operatively and after one week follow up and entered it into Microsoft excel spreadsheet for analysis and presentation using tables [Figure 1].
Results: A total of 418 surgeries were carried out in the months of March, April, September and October 2022 in Southern Karamoja. Of these, 252 (60.3%) were done with biometry and 166 (39.7%) using standard Intra Ocular Lenses (IOLs). 167 (39.2%) of the patients were males and 251 (60.0%) were females. The age group ranged from 35-95.
Of the 166 eyes operated using standard Intraocular lenses, 83 (50%), 71 (42.8%) and 12 (7.2%) had good, borderline and poor outcomes respectively on the first postoperative day without correction. After one week, 140 (84.3%) were available for review while 21 (13%) were lost to follow-up. Of those reviewed, 90 (64.3%), 41 (29.3%) and 10 (7.1%) had good, borderline and poor outcomes respectively.
Of the 252 eyes that had biometry done before surgery, 122 (48.4%), 103 (40.9%) and 27 (10.7%) had good, borderline and poor outcomes respectively on the first postoperative day without correction. After correction with pinhole, 177 (70.2%), 49 (19.4%) and 26 (10.3%) had good, borderline and poor outcomes respectively. 184 (73%) eyes were reviewed after one week while 68 (27.1%) were lost to follow-up. Of the 184 reviewed, 140 (76.1%), 39 (21.2%) and 4 (2.2%) had good, borderline and poor outcomes respectively without correction.
Conclusion: There was an overall improvement in visual outcomes in eyes that had biometry done. The findings also drew attention to the difference in visual outcomes in the immediate postoperative period and after one week follow-up with the latter probably due to improvement in postoperative pain and adjustment to the intraocular lens.
Maximilian Gabriel
Medical University Graz, Austria
Title: Comparison of air versus 10% SF6 tamponade for the management of idiopathic macular holes

Maximilian Gabriel is an ophthalmologist from Graz, Austria. He holds a PhD degree from the Medical University of Vienna and specializes in vitreoretinal surgery.
Purpose: To compare air versus 10% SF6 tamponade in vitrectomies for idiopathic macular holes.
Methodology & theoretical orientation: Patients with idiopathic macular holes were vitrectomized (27-gauge) and received either air or 10% SF6 tamponades after electronic randomization. Gass macular hole stages Ia, Ib, II, III and IV were included, provided the minimum linear diameter was under 600 μm (relevant for stages III and IV). Primary macular hole closure two weeks after surgery was assessed using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography and served as the main outcome parameter. Both groups were compared using the unpaired Student’s t-test and a p value below 0.05 was considered significant.
Findings: 18 eyes of 18 patients (13 women; 72%) were recruited and mean patient age at the time of surgery was 67.4 years (range 56-85, SD 8.7). Mean preoperative macular hole minimum linear diameter was 171 μm (range 0-355 μm, SD 140 μm) and 181 μm (range 0-336 μm, SD 116 μm) for the air and 10% SF6 group, respectively (p=0.87). There were no statistically significant differences in pre- (air mean 0.27 Snellen, range 0.1-0.5, SD 0.1; 10% SF6 mean 0.35 Snellen, range 0.25-0.5, SD 0.07) or postoperative (air mean 0.46 Snellen, range 0.22-0.78, SD 0.15; 10% SF6 mean 0.59 Snellen, range 0.22-0.8, SD 0.19) visual acuity or axial eye length (air mean 23.77 mm, range 22.82-24.4, SD 0.5; 10% SF6 mean 24.53 mm, range 23.42-26.63, SD 1.2) between both groups (p>0.05). All 18 patients were vitrectomized successfully with primary macular hole closure two weeks after surgery confirmed by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography.
Conclusion: Air tamponade showed comparable anatomic results to 10% SF6 in our series.
Ahmed Mostafa Eid Desoky
El Minya University Hospitals, Egypt
Title: Simultaneous bilateral congenital cataract surgery

Ahmed Mostafa Eid Desoky is an Anterior Segment Surgeon consultant, Cataract and Refractive Surgery Consultant. He has experience in more than 10000 different cataract surgeries with the recent techniques, More than 1000 glaucoma surgery, new technique in cataract surgery oral presentation in the American Academy Ophthalmology Conference in USA Orlando 2011, International Eye Center (IEC) foundation 2006 in Minia City Egypt. He is an Organization committee member in different local and international ophthalmology conferences. He is an Author for many published papers in local and international ophthalmic Journals.
Male infant 3 months old with bilateral lens cataract. The plane is to do bilateral cataract surgery in same time.
The first eye (Rt Eye) I did tow paracentesis to perform the surgery started with anterior capsulorrhexis after staining it using micro forces, then I did very gentle hydration to facilitate the irrigation aspiration I/A of the lens matter, after the I/A was completed I discovered rupture of the posterior capsule but this rupture was regular, central and circular so I considered it as the primary posterior capsulotomy then I did minimal anterior vitrectomy and leaved the eye aphakia, then the anterior chamber formed with air during closure of the paracentesis for good closure with minimal traction on the cornea due to air support.
In the second eye I did the surgery as in the first eye except the hydration step, after the end of I/A the posterior capsule was intact, so I did primary posterior capsulorrhexis after staining of the capsule followed by anterior vitrectomy.
Ferdouse Abusrewil
Al-Qabas International Eye Center, Libya
Title: Cornea melting post collagen cross linking keratoconus

Ferdouse Abusrewil have been working in ophthalmology department since she was in internship and was attending on her extra time in a private clinic because she have this passion for it, She love how it’s a combination of medicine and surgery with some optics, it gives me a lot of options to help the patient’s needs.
Introduction: Keratoconus is a Greek word (kerato: Cornea; konos: Cone), meaning cone-shaped protrusion of the cornea. Keratoconus is a non-inflammatory, progressive thinning of the cornea that is usually bilateral and involves the central two-thirds of the cornea.
Signs and symptoms:
- Glare and halos around lights.
- Difficulty seeing at night.
- Eye irritation or headaches associated with eye pain.
- Increased sensitivity to bright light.
- Sudden worsening or clouding of vision.
Treatment: Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking (CXL), cross-linking has been performed successfully around the world for the past decade.
- Corneal transplantation.
- Specialized contact lenses.
- Intracorneal ring segments.
However there are cases in which unfavorable complication can occur. The purpose of this report is to highlight an unexplained transient complication post uneventful CXL complication.
Case description: A healthy 18-year-old female presented c/o gradual decrease in vision. The patient had an uneventful medical history. Other than progressive bilateral keratoconus she had no other ophthalmological problems, Her VA: C.F2M OD, 0.4 OS.
Her auto-refraction was:
- OD: -15.25/-8.00/11
- OS: -3.00/-2.50/20
The patient with keratoconus cornea stage 3 to 4 underwent uneventful corneal collagen cross-linking treatment in the both eyes with Sheraz Daya Scraper, Standard CXL treatment was performed in the patient's Both eyes (we started with Left eye then the Right eye, one month apart) and patient was administered the following postoperative medications:
- Vigamox Eye drop 1x4
- Maxidex eye drops 1x6
- hylocomod eye drop 1x6
- Voltaren eye drop SOS
On Day 1-Post OP, the patient’s examination was unremarkable.
The left eye the Procedure went uneventful without any complications, on the 3rd day post OP. She had intense photophobia, watering and redness of the Right eye and her visual acuity was markedly decreased.
Slit lamp bio-microscopy showed revealed ciliary injection with sloughed epithelium and band corneal melting.
Our Patient should have underwent complete laboratory examination for autoimmune and infectious diseases, including markers for rheumatoid factor, immune complexes, C-reactive protein, anti-neutrophilic cytoplasmic antibodies and erythrocyte sedimentation rate, as well as polymerase chain reaction for herpes simplex virus DNA detection.
These were not ordered as we suspected a more critical post-operative severe infectious etiology for the inflammation and decided not to delay starting treatment.
The treatment change resulted in subjective improvement of ocular discomfort. However, the cornea presented extremely slow re-epithelialization and progressive thinning.
Conclusion: The exact cause of corneal melting in our case remains unknown to us. Since all precautions for standard CXL treatment were met in our case, further research is necessary to address all safety issues associated with this procedure.
Lin Chen
Childrens Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, China
Title: Innervational surgery for supranuclear monocular elevation deficiency with horizantal strabismus: A paediatric case report and review of the literature

Lin Chen is from department of Ophthalmology, Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Child Development and Disorders, China International Science and Technology Cooperation Base of Child Development and Critical Disorders, China.
Monocular Elevation Deficiency (MED) is an ocular motility disorder characterized by the inability to elevate one eye in abduction, adduction, and primary gaze, previously known as Double Elevator Palsy (DEP). Various surgeries include Knapp procedure or modified Knapp, inferior rectus recession, Modified Nishida’s procedure and superior rectus recession on the contralateral eye depending on the classification.
A paediatric case of Supra Nuclear Palsy (SNP) MED associated with significant horizontal deviation and co-existent the Inferior Oblique Muscle Overaction (IOOA) in the contralateral eye is described. We corrected 40 Prism Diopter (PD) of horizontal deviation and 25 PD of vertical deviation, and simultaneously corrected IOOA with an innervational surgery combination with horizontal rectus recession
Contralateral superior rectus recession based on innervational principle provides an appealing alternative treatment for SNP MED and MED with significant horizontal deviation cases